How to Copyright Your Website’s Content?

Your website content, especially when it impacts your revenue is a valuable thing that you must not want to lose in the hands of others. Hence, keeping it out of the reach of people who might desire to copy and redistribute it without your consent is crucial. Copyright Registration is one of the best sources to evade missing out on your income by preventing others from infringing on your unique content, i.e., Intellectual Property (IP). Registered copyright for your website’s content, including blog posts, images, and more also helps in maintaining your business’s integrity and thus, attracting profits.
Why Copyrighting Your Website’s Content is Important?
A copyright is an exclusive type of Intellectual Property Right (IPR) that ensures who can access and use your creative works, like books, movies, content, etc. Registered copyright provides rights of ownership that make it easier for you to take legal actions against someone using the site’s content without seeking your permission. In other words, it assists you in prohibiting the theft and reposting of your content that may negatively impact your business by decreasing its ranking on the search engine results pages (SERP) or redirecting the potential buyers to thief’s websites. Hence, the safest course of action to avoid misuse of your content is to make sure that it is legally protected and the best way to do so is to register a copyright for it.
How to Register a Copyright for Your Website’s Content?
Technically, as per the U.S. Copyright Law, your site’s content gets copyrighted as soon as you publish it. Undoubtedly, this fact clarifies that registering a copyright for your content isn’t necessary, but if you do so, then it will be more convenient and time-saving to prove your ownership in the case of Copyright Infringement. That’s why even the IP Attorneys recommend following the below steps:
- Add a Copyright Symbol to the Website
Although adding a copyright symbol isn’t the part of the registration process, it can ensure quick processing of your application. The copyright symbol on your website will let the people understand that it is your IP, and they can’t use its content without seeking your permission. Hence, the addition of copyright symbol appears effective also in reducing the chances of theft or misuse of your content by providing a warning to unauthorized users.
- Collect Materials You Want to Copyright
Like others, you also possibly want to safeguard your site as a whole. However, as the U.S. Copyright Office considers the blog posts, images, and other media to be separate entities, you may need to register them individually to obtain comprehensive protection. Fortunately, the Office provides the option to register collections of content, which means you won’t have to file an isolated Copyright Application for each post and image. Nevertheless, it is imperative to go through your site and categorize the content you want to get registered under separate lists.
- Submit Copyright Registration Application
Once you have compiled the lists of content to be registered, it’s the time to apply for copyright registration, but before filling out any form, there’s a need to generate a hard copy of the relevant content. It will help you in getting your application approved as soon as possible. When it comes to submitting the copyright registration application, you can do this either via mail or online. To register through mail, you have to find the precise form that suits your content, fill it, and then mail it with a filing fee. In the case of registering online, you need to access the online application by creating an account with the Copyright Office followed by finding and filling a suitable form with all the required details. Once you have submitted your copyright application, whether online or via mail, it is advisable to keep an eye on its status until it gets processed.
- Make Schedule to Copyright New Material Regularly
Once the application for Copyright Protection of your content gets approved, you will never need to renew the registration. Nonetheless, the same registered copyright will not secure any new content added to your site. Submitting new applications every time you add new content to your website will be beneficial in keeping your protection up-to-date and preventing paying the full filing fee for each additional content. It will also help in ensuring that none of your posts, images, or other content passes through the cracks. Therefore, you should always consider scheduling dates and days for registration updates to your calendar or setting reminders.
Although copyrighting your website’s content appears a bit lengthy process and requires some efforts on your part, it ultimately provides remarkable benefits to your business. So never hesitate or ignore to invest some of your time to register your online content as it is the best way to ensure that both your site and income are protected. For more visit:
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