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Geographical Indication

  • A Geographical Indication is a form of Intellectual Property Rights which is used for indicating and preserving the originality of the product of the particular territory.
  • GI is a tool to ensure the standard and individuality of the product to ascertain and establish the specific geographical locality or nation.
  • The protection regime related to GIs varies from country to country. There are countries which provide the GIs security via the sui generis system, while the other countries where sui generis is not implemented, the GIs is registered under the certification marks.
  • Looking at the growing importance of the geographical indication, we assist the IP right holders in securing the legal protection to their GIs in accordance with the laid down laws and practices. Furthermore, we also aid our clients by guiding legal strategies against uncertified and the unsanctioned use of geographical indication in another person in any way.
  • The team also regularly keeps abreast the clients with any changes in National and Regional Laws.

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