Overview of Trademark Opposition in India

In India, the Trademarks Act of 1999 (referred to as ‘Act’ further in this article) forms the legal basis for Trademark Registration, protection, and enforcement. The owner of a proposed trademark has to file a Trademark Application with the Registrar of Trademarks (referred to as ‘Registrar’ further in this article) at the Trademark Office for its registration. Upon receiving the trademark […]

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Similar & Identical Trademarks in India – How to Identify Them Well?

It is imperative to have Registered Trademarks in place to have one’s business stand out in the market and create a significant brand value. However, developing a unique and eye-catching mark is not an easy task. In India, trademarks are registered, protected, and enforced under the Trademarks Act of 1999 (referred to as the ‘Act’ further in this article). The […]

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